Subsidized & Senior Healthcare


Senior Healthcare

If you are a senior who would benefit from weekly physical therapy, but your income prevents you from receiving the care you need, I offer a reduced rate of $75 per hour treatment session. Seniors benefit greatly from physical therapy for pain relief, but limited income sometimes prevents them from coming in regularly for treatment. Through my initiative to bring Naturopathic healthcare to underserved populations, I offer this reduced rate for qualifying individuals.


Subsidized Healthcare

If you live in subsidized housing and your income is stopping you from receiving the care you need, the Robert Schad Naturopathic Clinic offers reduced rates for those who can provide proof of subsidy, low income or ODSP. Their regular rates are more affordable since care is provided by a Naturopathic student intern and supervised by experienced Naturopathic Doctors. Their current public rate is $46.50 for a 1 hour visit, and $19 per hour for those with proof of financial difficulties.