Naturopathic Consultation Fees

Initial Naturopathic Consultation

90 minutes | $175

In the first visit we thoroughly discuss your health concerns, medical history and lifestyle habits. Relevant physical exams are performed and a detailed treatment plan is discussed and emailed for your reference. Time pending, physical therapies may be initiated. Lab requisitions are offered if further assessment is required.

Follow-up Naturopathic Consultation

60 minutes | $150

In follow up visits we review your progress, fine tune your treatment plan and troubleshoot any challenges with lifestyle modifications. Lab results are discussed and physical therapies* are initiated if indicated in the treatment plan. If several months have passed since your last visit and new health concerns have come up, this appointment is also suitable.

*see physical therapies below

Naturopathic Physical Therapies

Initial visit: 90 minutes | $175

Follow up: 60 minutes | $125

Follow up: 45 minutes | $95

Physical therapy sessions may be part of your treatment plan for many health conditions, but are also ideal for patients coming in specifically with musculoskeletal complaints or injuries. Physical therapies include massage/trigger point release, fire cupping, and acupuncture, either in combination or as single therapies as needed.

In the Initial 1.5 hour Naturopathic Physical Therapy Assessment, medical history of the injury is discussed and orthopedic physical examinations are performed to rule out urgent or serious conditions and determine the most appropriate treatment route. The remainder of the visit (approximately 1 hour) includes physical therapy and recommendations for lifestyle modification, exercises, and supplements.

Follow up sessions are treatment focused with a brief check in on progress with pain, lifestyle modification, exercises and supplements.


30 minutes | $75

This visit is ideal for patients coming in weekly or biweekly for acupuncture only. Acupuncture protocols for health conditions outside of injury/pain/rehabilitation are created on an individual basis through a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) assessment and diagnosis completed in the Initial Naturopathic Consultation.

Naturopathic Consultations and Physical Therapies qualify for extended health insurance coverage under Naturopathic Medicine.