Mississauga Naturopathic Clinic


About Dr. Lore

Guiding Principles

I strongly believe that education and empathetic support can empower a person to take control of their health. I believe that Doctors should provide a safe space where patients are encouraged to express themselves. Patients should feel heard, and they should fully understand their treatment options in order to play an active role in their health. As a Naturopathic Doctor, I strive to use my expertise in alternative therapies to best support those seeking guidance on their path towards the healthiest version of themselves.

Treatment Approach

My treatment approach incorporates one or several of my favourite modalities; botanical medicine, orthomolecular medicine (nutraceutical supplementation), dietary and lifestyle counselling, acupuncture, and cupping. Together we discuss treatment options and expected treatment outcomes, and collaboratively decide the most feasible and suitable course of action. I summarize everything discussed in a follow-up email with an outlined treatment plan. Laboratory work may be needed to rule in/out pathologies.

Advocate of Integrative Medicine

When conventional and alternative therapies work effectively together, patients can reduce and sometimes eliminate the need for prescription medications. In the conventional system, I find patients get lost along the line of care between their Doctors and specialists. It’s hard for their Doctors to keep up with their history and patient’s are sometimes placed on a series of prescriptions for the same issue, leading to detrimental effects. As a Naturopath, I can spend the time needed with my patients to help them make sense of their current diagnoses and medications, and monitor and support them as we streamline treatment. I work with my patients’ Primary Care Physician to safely taper their prescriptions to the lowest effective dose where possible. I collaborate with and refer my patients to Medical Doctors and alternative healthcare professionals such as Physiotherapists, Chiropractors, Registered Massage Therapists, and Holistic Nutritionists.


I am a licensed Naturopathic Doctor. I hold a Doctor of Naturopathy Degree from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (CCNM) in Toronto, Canada, and an Honours Bachelor of Science degree in Psychology from York University, Toronto, Canada. I am a current CCNM Faculty member, with the roles of Health Psychology Teaching Assistant and Resident Naturopathic Doctor who conducts prospective student admissions interviews. In 2016 I held the role of Health Psychology Professor for a semester at CCNM where I taught Cognitive Behavioural Therapy techniques to 2nd and 3rd year students. I am a registered member of the Canadian Association of Naturopathic Doctors (CAND), the Ontario Association of Naturopathic Doctors (OAND), and the College of Naturopaths of Ontario (CONO); the regulatory board of Naturopaths in Ontario. I am an appointed professional member of the Discipline, Fitness to Practice, and Registration Committees of CONO.


New Patient Bookings & Inquiries

Please use the form below to request an appointment. An introductory call with Dr. Lore is required before scheduling you in.

Prior to calling or emailing, please read through the fees and what to expect during your visit.

If you prefer to leave a voicemail, please be sure to slowly and clearly state the details listed in the form below.

(905) 302-7777

Wheelchair Accessibility: At this time, Mississauga Naturopathic Clinic is unfortunately not wheelchair accessible. The entrance of the building has 10 steps, and the Clinic space is on the upper level of the building, up a flight of 30 steps.


Clinic Hours